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Resources - Posters

Below are some posters that we have produced and can be used for church purposes.  Please note that these posters are not for production or resale in any form whatsoever.  Please contact tim@skillmanmedia.com for permission to use them as they are Copyright (c) Tim Skillman, 2009.

Please click to enlarge a picture;


James 4:13-17
Boasting about tomorrow

James 1:23-25
Looking in God's Mirror!

James 2:18 (and others)
Faith and Deeds

James 3:1-12
Taming the Tongue

James 2:1-4
Favouritism Forbidden



Malborough Baptist Church, Chapel Lane, Malborough, TQ7 3SB
Telephone 01548 561656 (Secretary Denis King) or
01548 560168 (Rev Tim Skillman)
or email