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Video Recordings

Services are video recorded and can be provided for a nominal charge of £5 including postage.  Please email us if you would like a particular video recording.  Messages date back as far as September 2006 (although there are a number of missing dates!)

Other Resources

We are slowly building resources that may be useful for teaching and study. Below are some links to what we have so far:

  • Posters - Use these for teaching in Sunday School, Preaching or just to hang on your wall.

  • Childrens Page - Children's stories, pictures and much more!

  • Articles - NEW! - An archive of 'Fellowship News' and 'Malborough Messenger' news articles


Malborough Baptist Church, Chapel Lane, Malborough, TQ7 3SB
Telephone 01548 561656 (Secretary Denis King) or
01548 560168 (Rev Tim Skillman)
or email