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Welcome to the Malborough Baptist Church website

If you're looking for a place to worship you will find a warm welcome at Malborough Baptist where we join together to hear the Word of God and worship every Sunday at 10.30am.  We are a fellowship consisting of young and old folk and have a Sunday School for children and teens.  Tea and coffee follow our morning service.

We've modified our Chapel to include modern sound and recording equipment plus disabled toilet facilities.  To the left you can see how the Chapel has been transformed. Have a look at the Gallery page to see how the Chapel changed.


Last updated 18 October 2015

Malborough 200 years!

On Sunday, 14th June we had a celebration service lead by the Reverend Jonathan Edwards (former General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain).

After the service we moved to the Village Hall to continue our celebration. We all had a wonderful time and many people from the Parish Church and village joined us, together with past members and friends that travelled from afar.  It was an occasion that brought together a whole community. It   was a day to remember.

Just a few photographs

Downloads ...
For detailed information on our 2015 programme, please download the 2015 Calendar (PDF file).

Download our published articles - Go to our articles page under resources.
FREE posters available -
Go to our posters page under resources.
FREE children's resources - Go to our children's page under resources.

Latest News ...

YoUtH CLuB oN FriDaYs!

There's an exciting youth club now opened at our Chapel every Friday at 6-8pm.  If you are 11-15 you are most welcome!  Play table-tennis, snooker, a ton of board games and even practice your cooking!!    At least 20 youth attend so you certainly won't feel left out or alone!  HAve fUn!


Life Groups meet throughout the year, as often as we can meet.  At least 30 people attended the various groups in Malborough, Kingsbridge and Salcombe. The Malborough group has decided to meet on a Wednesday at 8.00pm which will give opportunity for people who find Thursdays difficult.  Salcombe and Kingsbridge will still meet on Thursdays at 7.30pm.  Some Thursdays may be interrupted for various other things, so download the calendar and look out for the pink 'House Group' days. 

For more information about our Life Groups, download the Life Groups Leaflet here.

Malborough Baptist Church, Chapel Lane, Malborough, TQ7 3SB
Telephone 01548 561656 (Secretary Denis King) or
01548 560168 (Rev Tim Skillman)
or email